Kais bizarre basement

Kais bizarre basement

 Anime Discord Servers / by JustKai 5509 / 638 views

We are a rather small community, but active. If you are bored or just want to meet new people, then this is for you. Everyone is welcomed! If help is ever needed simply ask a member of the staff and help with be right on its way. Though sadly with school starting not everyone can be active through school hours.

About this server:
– Welcoming and kind
-10+ self-roles along with 9 color-roles (with more on its way)
– Active staff and owner
– Sfw and Nsfw channels
– Non-Toxic
– Anime (mostly jjba) and a bunch of different fandoms
– Fun bots
– Qotd channel
– Many different activities (Writing and drawing contests, movie and gaming night. Along with many more.)

Server is being constantly updated and new features are common
So join and become family!!

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